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Writer's pictureAman Grover

Job v/s Practice after CA

Updated: Feb 5, 2023

Having got through CA Final, the question that revolves around CA fresher is whether to pursue job or practice. This is dilemma that mostly every CA fresher has to face.

Sometimes your heart says one while brains says another. Each alternative has his opportunity cost.This makes decision even tougher.

It has never been easy for a first generation Chartered Accountant to start his/her own practice. Therefore, most of us join either Industry or a CA Firm. Every alternative has his pros and cons. Practice may yield better returns but often less explored by fresher.

There is a quote by Robert Frost that applies to this dilemma

“Two roads diverged in wood and I took the one less travelled by. And it has made all the difference”

This article will be about pros and cons of each alternative and how you can decide any one alternative.

Advantages of doing Job:

1. No investment - Since you will work as an employee in the industry, you will get the periodic salary and don't have to invest anything. You will be receiving periodic returns as an employee.

2. Specialisation – In a job, you mostly choose one domain and as you keep working there are scope of specialization in domain you choose.

3. Early returns - You will get the returns easily in a job. Every month, your bank account will be credited by monthly salary.

4. High returns in Initial years - Generally, the initial pay scale for CA students is high (i.e. 50000- 2 lakhs per month). So, as an employee it becomes easy for you to make both ends meet. However it may be difficult to fetch returns in job if there are so many firms all around your location.

5. No need of Networking - If you do a job then you don’t need to make networks or build clients because that is taken care of by the employers.

However, a lot of employees make efforts in building network so that if they start their practice, they can get good clients in future.


Advantages of Practice:

1. Diversified learning - In Practice, you have to continuously keep learning. You have to be updated about everything

2. Better Returns in Long run - In long run, your earnings are unlimited. The more clients you can fetch, the better returns you can make in long run.

3. Satisfaction - As working in your own firm gives more satisfaction than working under someone.

4. Autonomy - Since you are your own boss, you would have full freedom of what you want to do, what work you want to do, and how you want to delegate authority and responsibility

Sometimes you may earn less but you have authority and it gives you satisfaction and free of work pressure.

Each alternative has his pros and cons. The considerations you will have to make while making decision:-

  • Do you want to take up risk in initial years or not?

  • Do you want to be employee or your own boss?

  • Early Returns or Scope of Unlimited Returns?

  • Are you good at building networks or not?

  • Investment or not?

  • Specialisation or Diversified Learning?

How can a fresher Chartered Accountant get into practice?

If you are second or third generation Chartered Accountant in your family, it becomes easy for you to either get into your family practice or start a new one.

However for a first generation Chartered Accountant, setting up a practice becomes a tough task . But nothing is impossible. By applying following steps ,you can initiate your practice:

Do not expect clients from Day 1 . Getting first client may be difficult for you. Do not give up easily.

Start off with filing IT returns, GST returns, and TDS returns on your own for your friends, relatives, and neighbours. The initial circle of your professional work is this.

After that, they will gradually start referring more people to you.Take whatever task comes your way. Word of Mouth has a major role in your practice

Make sure you build networks with small clients in beginning and try to do that on platforms like Linkedin to fetch clients.

Make sure you invest in infrastructure of your CA firm and dress professionally before clients to leave impression on them

Aim to provide value to clients at all times. As much as feasible, provide your client guidance on how to run a business and handle money successfully.

Make sure you attend ca seminars and conferences taking place around your location .Try to build networks with clients and other practising CA.

Make sure you make you client feel that you are not someone looking for fees and instill trust and confidence on your client. Basically it is a psychological approach towards clients so as to earn their trust and gain goodwill.

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