Your CA Articleship is one of the most important periods of your professional life as this is the foundation for your future. When you are going for an interview you should be clear about your vision and objective. You should know you're applying as a trainee, so any CA firm is not expecting much from you apart from practical knowledge. You need to show your enthusiasm in an interview. You should have practical knowledge of accounts, accounting standards, tax, etc. If you are applying for a specific department for articleship you should read articles of related topics for deeper knowledge.
Rounds of Interview:
Different companies have different interviews. But we are summing up exactly what happens in every interview.
Aptitude Test- basically involves all the current affairs, lateral thinking, puzzles, and other basics like English and mathematics. if you cross the cutoff you are allowed to 2nd round
Group Discussion- focuses mostly on your communication skills, your scope of perspective, interaction with others
Technical Round- In this round, you will be asked questions related to subjects of CA Intermediate subjects. So, you must know your subjects. Any new law or judgment is also asked commonly in an interview. So, make a habit to read a newspaper everyday.
HR Round- In this round, personal questions will be asked by the interviewer. These questions will be mostly from what is on your CV, so make it a point that you say the same thing as mentioned in the CV.
Partner Round- A partner interview is part of the recruitment strategy and is the last stage in what can often be a lengthy recruitment process. The purpose of the interview is to make sure the candidate is a good fit for the company
Questions asked in an interview:
You have to concentrate on the basics of all subjects, like
Golden rules of accounting
Journal Entries and their impact on profit & loss
Disclosures of certain items in financial statement
Accounting Standards
Basics concepts in Company Law
Fundamentals of Income Tax
Return filing due dates and Advance tax due dates
Basics of GST
Company Audit sections
Standards on Auditing
Interview questions relating to profile
Tell us something about yourself
Why do you choose CA as a career?
Tell me about your area of interest.
Tell us about your capability to work under pressure.
What do you expect from this job?
Your CV is what helps to form the first impression on the interviewer, it is a prime document. So, make sure it has a good layout, there are no mistakes in the CV . It should give the interviewer a clear idea about you.
Also, make sure that once you go through with your CV, you should be able to answer any questions based on it. Please do not use someone else's CV layout as it may not suit your role or your profile, sometimes this may get you into trouble.
How to behave in front of an interviewer?
Dress formally. No bold accessories or hairstyle.
When entering the cabin, knock on the door and ask may I come in.
Greet every member with good morning sir/madam personally
When they tell you to sit, only then sit.
Be confident in answering questions.
Don't hesitate in giving answers
Don't bluff
Sit straight with your spine straight and legs uncrossed.
Don't tap on the table or shake your leg
10. Once the interview is done, greet them by saying thank you, nice to meet you, etc.
Be confident and ace your interview with ease. Be on time at your interview. Do the research on the company. Don't forget about non verbal communication. Be courteous with everyone. Be prepared for your interview.
Don't forget to send a Thank You note
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